Discover Biote. Take Charge of Your Health and Feel Your Best with Custom Hormone Therapy and Advanced Nutraceutical.
Biote customizes medicine to balance hormones and offers high-quality supplements to help women and men stay healthy, feel good, and prevent health problems as they age.
You may be one of them.
If you suffer from fatigue, weight gain, low libido, and moodiness, this may indicate you may have a hormonal imbalance. Now, there’s help.
Doctor Shifrin is certified to offer Biote's method of hormone therapy. Biote has been developing its method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for over a decade, which may help men and women experiencing the symptoms of a hormone imbalance.
To schedule an evaluation and learn how to restore hormones to their optimal level to help address specific health concerns, contact us today.
Help regulate your body and maintain normal energy levels if you have the right balance of hormones.
For people with hormone imbalances, hormone optimization can be a positive mood booster.
Fluctuations in your hormone levels can make it difficult to maintain your weight.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, is a form of hormone therapy that has been available in the U.S. for many decades and uses hormones that are structurally similar to those found in the human body.
Dr. Shifrin have received training on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets. These pellets are inserted into the upper buttocks area during an in-office visit after testing is done to determine the exact quantity of the hormone the patient requires. Every dose is customized based on a consultation and extensive lab work to ensure a patient receives the exact concentration of hormones needed.
Bioidentical hormones, such as the ones used in training by Biote, work with the chemistry of the body because they replicate the molecular structure of the hormones that normally occur within the body.
Estrogen is a hormone that has many functions and is found in the bodies of both men and women. In women, estrogen is commonly associated with reproduction - it initiates the menstrual cycle and develops the secondary sex characteristics of the female body. However, in both sexes, estrogen is responsible for many facets of bone health, cholesterol metabolism, and skin thickness and collagen content.
Estrogen pellets are small, custom-made cylinders of estradiol, a form of estrogen. Estrogen pellets can relieve emotional, reproductive, and non-reproductive symptoms. The most common use for estrogen pellets is to treat the uncomfortable symptoms of aging in women.
Women's estrogen levels decrease as they age. Women's hormone levels drop most dramatically during perimenopause (just before menopause) and during menopause. In fact, many men may have higher estrogen levels than women after menopause. If a woman has had a radical hysterectomy involving the removal of both ovaries, her estrogen levels will be significantly affected because the ovaries are primarily responsible for producing estrogen. Although the adrenal glands produce some estrogen, as does fat tissue, this is often not enough to effectively balance and maintain a woman's hormone levels.
Estrogen pellets are primarily used to combat the effects of menopause. Studies have shown that estrogen may also help relieve some symptoms related to mood, bone density, and heart health.
Depending on the patient's gender, weight, absorption rate, and hormone deficiency or surplus at the time of insertion, pellets may last up to three to six months. Pellets are reinserted two to four times per year to keep hormones optimized and balanced, and it may take up to two insertions before the full benefits are felt.
During the office visit, which lasts only a few minutes, patients are brought into the exam room and the insertion site is numbed. The most common insertion site is the upper buttock. A small incision is then made to insert the pellet. Once the pellet is in place, the insertion site is covered with a small bandage.
Because the pellets are bioidentical and contain hormones that your body produces, the pellets are completely dissolved and absorbed, leaving nothing behind.
After pellet insertion, it's best to avoid lower body exercise. Walking should be fine, but strenuous activity is not recommended. Avoid baths, swimming, and hot tubs; however, showers are permitted. Normal activity can be resumed after the bandage is removed.
Just as each patient's symptoms are unique, so is each patient's path to hormone optimization. The Biote Method is tailored to a patient's specific needs.
Testosterone is a hormone normally found in both men and women that is responsible for many important body processes. Testosterone is produced in the testes and ovaries, and deficiencies can occur in both men and women as the body ages.
Testosterone pellets are composed of powdered testosterone that is fused into a pellet using stearic acid as a binding agent. The compounding pharmacies used by Biote provide high quality pellets with ingredients that are meticulously tested. This testing process gives pharmacists, Biote Certified Providers and patients confidence in the quality of the pellets.
Testosterone has been shown to alleviate a wide range of reproductive, emotional, and non-reproductive conditions. Some of these include low energy, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, irritability, and many others.
Each person's body is different, but at the end of a pellet cycle or upon discontinuation of pellet therapy altogether, symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, and insomnia may return. Typically, the patient's symptoms will return to the same state they were in prior to BHRT as their estrogen and testosterone levels begin to drop.